How do I use TAsks?

Tasks can be created to keep track of your activities in one place. Once a task is added, you can track your progress on that task, including the status, due date and percent complete. Each user has their own task list. They can share their task list to other users if they wish.

To access the task list, please follow these steps:

  1. Open a browser window and go to:
  2. Login using your email address and password.
  3. From the Folders section on the left, expand Tasks.
  4. Click My Tasks.

To add a new task, please follow these steps:

  1. Access your tasks using the steps described above.
  2. Click New Task.
  3. Enter the requested information:
    • Subject: a brief description of the task
    • Start: the start time of the task
    • End: the end time of the task
    • Reminder: set the time before the task begins to send an email notification (optional)


    Note: The remaining options are optional and can be filled in at your leisure.

To update a task, please follow these steps:

  1. Access your tasks using the steps described above.
  2. Click actions.
  3. To edit the task, click Edit Task and make the appropriate changes.
  4. To update the status, expand Status and select the new status:
    • Not Started: the task has not begun
    • In Progress: the task is still in progress
    • Completed: the task has been completed
    • Cancelled: the task has been cancelled
  5. To update the percent complete, expand % Complete and select the appropriate percentage.

To share the task list, please follow these steps:

  1. Access the task list using the steps described above.
  2. Click Sharing.
  3. Click Add User.
  4. Enter the user(s) to share the task list with.
  5. Select the type of access to grant the user(s):
    • None: Your tasks are not shared with the user. This setting is useful if you give permissions to a group but want a specific user to be denied permission.
    • Read-Only: Grants view access to the task, which lets the other user see your information, without granting any permission to change or modify the task in any way.
    • Full Control: The user that has this permission can do everything on the task that you can, including moving due dates, changing progress, and even canceling the task.
  6. Click Save.